Signs Dating can be a lot of fun, but it can also be stressful and confusing. When you’re trying to find a partner, it’s important to keep an eye out for both good and bad signs. In this article, we’ll go over 10 signs to look for on a date that can help you decide whether or not this person is right for you.

The Good Signs

1. They Listen to You

One of the most important things to look for in a date is someone who is a good listener. If your date is genuinely interested in what you have to say and actively engages with you in conversation, it’s a good sign that they care about you and your opinions.

2. They Make You Laugh

Laughter is one of the best ways to connect with someone. If your date has a good sense of humor and can make you laugh, it’s a sign that you have a great rapport and can enjoy each other’s company.

3. They’re Polite and Respectful

A person who is polite and respectful on a date is a good sign that they have good manners and treat people well. If your date is courteous to you and others around you, it shows that they have a positive attitude and are considerate of others.

4. They’re Open-Minded

Being open-minded is an important trait in a partner. If your date is willing to try new things and explore new ideas, it shows that they are adventurous and curious about the world around them.

5. They’re Honest

Honesty is a key component of any healthy relationship. If your date is honest with you, it’s a sign that they value integrity and trust. They’re more likely to be straightforward with you and communicate openly.

The Bad Signs

6. They’re Rude to Waitstaff

If your date is rude or dismissive to waitstaff or service staff, it’s a red flag. It shows that they lack empathy and respect for others, which can be a sign of deeper character flaws.

7. They’re Always on Their Phone

If your date is constantly checking their phone or distracted by notifications, it’s a sign that they’re not fully present and engaged with you. It can be disrespectful and a sign that they don’t value your time and attention.

8. They Only Talk About Themselves

If your date only talks about themselves and doesn’t show interest in getting to know you, it’s a sign of self-centeredness. It can be frustrating and indicate that they’re not interested in building a real connection with you.

9. They Complain About Everything

Negativity can be a major turn-off on a date. If your date is constantly complaining about everything from the food to the weather, it’s a sign that they have a negative attitude and may be hard to please.

10. They Make You Feel Uncomfortable

If your date makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe in any way, it’s a sign that they’re not a good match for you. Trust your instincts and prioritize your safety and well-being above all else.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if my date exhibits both good and bad signs?

A: It’s normal for a date to have both good and bad signs. It’s up to you to weigh the positives and negatives and decide whether or not this person is right for you.