Your Relationship – Emotional support is about recognizing your partner’s feelings, listening to them, and being there for them.

Sometimes, lack of emotional support can lead to relationship problems that are hard to fix.

When this happens, it can be helpful to seek professional help. Here are some common signs that your relationship is lacking emotional support.

1. They Aren’t Physically Intimate

If you’re feeling disconnected from your partner and you don’t feel like they’re giving you the emotional support you need, it can be a big problem. This lack of emotional support can lead to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a general sense of dissatisfaction with your relationship.

Having a conversation with your partner is the best way to understand what’s going on in your relationship, and to work through any issues that may be contributing to your lack of intimacy. But it can be hard to know what to say when you’re dealing with a partner who doesn’t seem to be willing or able to talk to you about their feelings.

One of the most common ways a partner can be emotionally unavailable is by being fearful of being intimate with you. This fear can stem from a variety of factors, including a previous relationship or a past experience with intimacy that was painful or unsatisfactory.

A fear of intimacy can also result from a desire to avoid being rejected or hurt by a partner, which is why it’s so important to be able to talk about your fears. When you talk about your fears, you can work to overcome them and build trust with your partner.

The other thing you can do when your partner isn’t physically intimate is to try new ways to connect with them. This can include things like spending time together, pursuing hobbies and activities, and sharing experiences together.

However, it’s important to remember that a lack of physical intimacy can only sustain a relationship for so long before it begins to damage your emotional connection. If you’re struggling to find the emotional intimacy you need, it might be time to consider ending your relationship and finding someone who is willing to be there for you.

Your Relationship
Your Relationship

2. They Aren’t Listening

There are times when communication breakdowns occur in relationships, and one or both partners may feel unheard. If this is the case in your relationship, it may be time to talk about it.

The first thing to consider is how well you’re communicating with your partner. Are you allowing them the time and space they need to communicate with you?

If you find that they are constantly interrupting your conversation, it might be a sign that they aren’t actually listening to what you’re saying. This can be a big problem in a relationship, and it’s important to figure out why they’re not giving you the attention that you need.

When you’re feeling unheard, it’s natural to have some anger and frustration. However, it’s important to express this in a calm manner so that your partner can understand the extent of your emotional distress.

In addition, it’s best to avoid blaming your partner for the lack of communication. This will only make them feel attacked and more likely to shut down in the future.

While it’s not easy to get through tough conversations, it’s important to keep the lines of communication open and try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

A good way to do this is to have a conversation where you ask your partner what they think about the topic, and then ask them what they think it is that they aren’t hearing. If they don’t hear you, they will probably assume that it isn’t a serious matter and will be less likely to discuss the issue with you.

You can also ask your partner if they would like to set up a time for you to have a discussion about the issue that you’re struggling with. This can help both of you to focus on the issue at hand and to figure out what can be done to address it.

3. They Aren’t Validating

You might think that validating someone’s feelings is a natural part of being in a relationship, but it can be tricky. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make sure you’re connecting in a way that makes your partner feel like they’re receiving the emotional support they need.

First, you can validate your partner’s feelings by being genuinely interested in what they’re saying. That means listening closely to what they have to say and really soaking in their story, even if it’s long or complex. You can also show your interest by asking questions or sharing your own experience in the same way, so you can gain a deeper understanding of their situation.

Second, you can validate your partner’s feelings without trying to change them or tell them how they should feel. Invalidating someone’s feelings isn’t helpful and can lead to either hostility or withdrawal.

Your Relationship
Your Relationship

Finally, you can validate your partner’s feelings if they are expressing them in a positive way. This could be by affirming their value as a person, or by encouraging them to find a healthy way to process their feelings.

Ultimately, if you’re finding it difficult to validate your partner’s emotions, it may be time to seek help. You can speak with a couples therapist to get support and guidance on how to connect in healthier ways.

While it’s important to recognize that invalidating your partner’s feelings isn’t necessarily something you should do, there are a few things you can be sure of: It’s not going to go away overnight and can be hard to change. However, it’s worth working on because invalidation can be a barrier to the type of relationship you need, want, and deserve.

4. They Aren’t Talking About Their Feelings

Despite generations of stereotypes that suggest men aren’t prone to emotional expression, talking about feelings is actually very important for the mental health of both women and men. Expressing emotions relieves stress and reduces anxiety, and it also helps people process painful experiences.

But the problem is that many people are afraid of sharing their feelings for various reasons. They are worried that it will make things worse, or that they won’t be able to control how their loved ones react.

And while it’s true that expressing our feelings can lead to conflict, a lot of the time, it’s what creates intimacy and connection in our relationships. Moreover, as psychologists have found, putting our upsetting emotions into words actually lessens the intensity of those feelings by reducing brain activity in the amygdala.

As a result, by the time we are ready to talk about something upsetting, we can have a much better idea of what we’re feeling and what it means to us. This is a huge step toward developing deeper and more meaningful relationships.

It’s also a way to make sure that our love partners truly understand us and can be there for us. This is especially important if we’re experiencing significant emotional issues or trauma.

When we feel heard, understood, and validated by our partners, we come to value ourselves more and develop a stronger bond with them. It’s an experience that can only be had through the vulnerability and trust that comes from authentic communication.

If your partner isn’t willing to open up about their feelings, it may be a sign that they are emotionally unavailable. Some of these signs are subtle, but if they are present in your relationship, it’s definitely something to watch out for.

5. They Aren’t Taking the Time to Listen

When you communicate with your partner, it’s important that you are able to feel like your thoughts and feelings are being heard. That is a basic foundation of any relationship, and without it, you can’t expect to have a long-lasting relationship.

If you notice that your spouse isn’t taking the time to listen to what you have to say, there are several reasons for this. First, they may be distracted or wiped out from work or other activities. They may also have a short attention span, which makes it difficult to stay focused during conversations.

Second, they may have a history of overly reactive conversations that escalate quickly into arguments. This can be an indication that they’re not comfortable discussing difficult feelings or they don’t trust their partner to handle these discussions in a healthy way.

Third, they may not have a good sense of body language when it comes to conversations. They might look around or turn away from you, which can lead you to believe they aren’t paying attention to what you have to say.

Finally, they may use sarcasm or stonewalling when you talk to them about issues in your relationship. These tactics can make you feel like they aren’t really listening to you and could lead to a lack of respect for your relationship.

If you notice that your partner doesn’t take the time to listen to what you have to offer them, it’s important to find a solution. This can be done by scheduling a time to talk, making sure your spouse is not in the middle of something else, and making it clear that you want them to hear what you have to say.